How to Pi** off your audience, part 2


I've been challenged.

In a recent post, I stressed there is never, ever a good time to go past your allotted time when you are speaking. Some people have pushed back and given me two times when they believe it IS okay to do so. Let's address them.

1. “Yeah but, what if I’m good?”

If you’re good, then you will have planned your presentation to finish on time. Here's the best advice I can ever give you to be a great presenter: ‘Great’ = finish on time. A great presenter respects her audience enough to use the allotted time...and not steal more of it. A great presenter does the hard work of fitting his message into the time given. A great presenter is a great leader, and a great leader isn't undisciplined.

If you're good, you'll finish on time.

2. “Yeah but, what if people want me to keep going?”

C'mon now. Do you really believe that? When was the last time you wanted someone—anyone— to keep talking in a presentation?

Let's give you the benefit though. It does happen on a rare occasion, and if so, good for you! Simply pause at the agreed-upon finish time, ask permission to continue for five more minutes, and announce that anyone who must leave is free to do so.

Now, look around the room. If people are still seated, continue.

And, in five minutes, make sure you are finished.

As are we.

Mike Vayda has been helping leaders finish on time for 30 years. Learn more at

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